(Dirty Side of the Street) Improvisational dance exercise activities for kids can be played at school or at home. MUVE Dancing games are all about cooperation, leadership and encouraging movement creativity for every individual. In this game 7 student dancers practice leading the entire group, while being inspired by Muve Concepts Cards- Emotions. The Emotions Cards are great for supporting kids to use movement as a form of expression.
In this dancing video a group of 7 Muses alternates leading the dance, inspired by Emotion Muve Concept Cards. The 7 Muses take turns in the 'Muse-spot' by rotating clockwise into the center position. Change is initiated by the Caller or the individual Center Muse by calling 'MOVE'. Only the Muses rotate. The other dancers stay at their locations and follow the Muse in the center loosely. Having a Center Muse unites all dancers in a common dance action.