Icebreaker Party Games- Dancing Games – Team Building Games for Children and Youth
(Viva La Vida 2) Today’s MUVE Moment is showcasing an exciting dancing game that can be utilized in small and large groups. Instantly get a new group acquainted with fitness, creativity and style, by playing a MUVE game. Without choreography, instantly get your party hopping with this fun game.The Tight-rope-slide is one of the new games created in 2013. It is super easy to set up with any group/party. You can find detailed MUVE Dancing Game instructions at
Basic idea of the Tight-rope-slide: Imagine you and your partner/partners are dancing on a tight rope from one side to the other and back. Whoever is in the front leads the movement. Find detailed MUVE Dancing Game instructions at
MUVE is multi-generational, always spontaneous, dance exercise. It is a free resource for kids, adults and seniors to learn a fun way of dancing in community. Check out about all the free and easy dance exercises, party dancing games and dance exercise videos at our website
Children’s Fitness Class- Large Group Games- Fun Exercise Activities
(Geronimo) What better way to connect a group of children but through their natural inclination to play together. MUVE utilizes dance games to explore teamwork, leadership and creative risk taking, all the while providing solid fitness for everyone. When we add fun props like plates, balls or silly hats- children can explore their imaginations and take it to another level. Check out how silly these little ones are with these character hats.
There is no prior knowledge needed for MUVE Dancing games. All games are super easy, and people of all shapes, sizes and age groups and abilities can play these community building games together. For large groups we recommend that you prepare a MUVE dancing grid with removable stickers and tape. In this video, we replaced the triangle grid with a polydot for easier set-up/breakdown and to accommodate more than 3 children to a team. However, if you are looking for something even easier there are several games that you can do with absolutely no preparation.
The game above is called "independent TRIANGLES". Ask your players to form teams of 3 and stand at the corner of a triangle. Two corners of the triangle are green and one special dot is red. Then let them decide who will be the first dance leader for their team, they will stand on the red dot aka, the "Leader-Spots" (Muse-spot). The Muse will provide the dance inspiration for the other two players. Then demonstrate the "Huli Huli" rotation principle with one of the Triangle-team. "Huli Huli" means: Everybody moves one position clockwise. Now we have a new leader in the Triangle. Have everyone practice the Huli Huli rotation without music first.
Dance Activities for Kids – Team-building games for students – Creative Icebreaker Games
Let's have fun and exercise in school with fun and easy MUVE dancing games. Check out these kids create a group movement where creativity, team building and leadership skills are encouraged. As part of the fifth anniversary of Let’s Move! First Lady Michelle Obama is encouraging Americans across the country to give out high-fives when they see someone making healthy choices. And she’s challenging everyone to #GimmeFive, and show her 5 things they are doing to be more active, and lead a healthier life.This MUVE Dancing Game is called "The WAVE".
The WAVE is a school activity and party game that is super easy to set up. You can actually play this without any floor markers at all. This group movement game gives every dancer the opportunity to shine in from of the whole group. One after the other each dancer will offer a specific move for the whole team to do. We all move together like a wave, all the way to the center, briefly connect with the opposite side and then retreat to the outside lines again. Then the next dancer take the lead for the next motion.
Fun Games & Warm-ups – Fun Middle School Activities – Easy Dancing Games
"Center Muse Circle" the game to get everyone moving, leading and sharing their creativity.
(Shake it off) Eighty+ 5th-8th Graders begin their Halloween Celebration with a MUVE Dancing Party. Removable stickers and tape, create many triangles in the room. A group of Muses alternate leading the dance. The Muses move into the Muse-spot in the center clockwise. Change is initiated by the Caller or the individual Center Muse. Only the Muses rotate after they hear the call, 'MOVE'. The other dancers stay at their locations and follow the Muse in the center loosely. Having a center Muse unifies all dancers in a common dance action. Find detailed instructions for this and all the other great MUVE dancing Games at
Our fun party games works like a charm. Try one with your next party guests, or any social group you might attend. There is no age-limit for MUVE dancing! Kids and grand parents can do this together, all in the family are invited!
MUVE is multi-generational, always spontaneous, dance exercise. It is a free resource for kids, adults and seniors to learn a fun way of dancing in community. Check out about all the free and easy dance exercises, party dancing games and dance exercise videos at our website
Fitness in the Morning- Large Group Dance Games- Fun Exercise Activities
(On Top of the World) MUVE and our local elementary school joined forces to battle low attendance among it's students. Our creative solution was to energize the students twice a week right before academics. We lead a dance party with dancing games, this event is for every grade and all abilities. We celebrate creativity, cooperation, working together and having fun with new people. Two groups, each with 100+ students and teachers. The results have been remarkable.
This MUVE Dancing Game is called the "Muse Circle." 9 muses volunteered as lead dancers. There job is to create a dance movement that the entire group will follow. When the Caller's signal, the Muses rotate and a new Muse is in the center, ready to lead the group. With each rotation a new combination of dancers explore creative dance together.
Icebreaker Games for High School- Fun Large Group Dance Fitness for Teens
(Say Hey) There are many MUVE dancing games you can use to ignite a fun activity with any group. If your group are long time friends or new to know, this game is a great ice breaker game that supports creativity, positive social interaction and physical fitness. Whether you are looking to occupy a group of kids with fun games at a slumber party, or want to inspire new students to playfully interact with the class, MUVE has got a game for you.
There is no prior knowledge needed for the game. All games are super easy, and people of all shapes, sizes and age groups and abilities can play these community building games together. For large groups we recommend that you prepare a MUVE dancing grid with removable stickers and tape. However, there are several games that you can do with absolutely no preparation.
The game above is called "independent TRIANGLES". Ask your players to form teams of 3 and stand at the corner of a triangle. Two corners of the triangle are green and one special dot is red. Then let them decide who will be the first dance leader for their team, they will stand on the red dot aka, the "Leader-Spots" (Muse-spot). The Muse will provide the dance inspiration for the other two players. Then demonstrate the "Huli Huli" rotation principle with one of the Triangle-team. "Huli Huli" means: Everybody moves one position clockwise. Now we have a new leader in the Triangle. Have everyone practice the Huli Huli rotation without music first.
Games for Large Groups – Dance Party Ideas Promote Fitness
(Counting Stars) This spontaneous dancing game teaches how to move as a team. We are playing with about 90 children, from kindergarten to 5th grade. This game is versatile, each snake could have two participants or can have 30+. This game is a crowd favorite, and sure to get your blood pumping.
Each line is considered the snake. The head of the snake leads the rest of the body (other students) throughout the room. The head is also the MUSE (dance leader), creating the movement inspiration for the rest of the group. The snakes must work together to stay close and not run into other snakes.
Dancing with Preschool kids – MUVE circle dancing game for small children
(Song: One World by Cheetah Girls) Small children love music and they dance naturally. So all we do is give them the opportunity to dance. The "Circle JUMP" is one of the most simple MUVE Dancing Games because it needs not set up other than getting the preschoolers into a circle formation. Then one after the other gets to jump into the middle and bust a move.
MUVE teaches spontaneous creative dancing activities at summer fun teen staff workshop
(Big Lights) 96+ people are spontaneously dancing in this easy dance moves exercise anyone can do. Here we are doing the MUVE Dancing Game called "Independent Triangles." It's a fun collective mass physical activity game. Groups of 3 have found each other around a sticker (Muse-Spot) on the ground. They rotate within their Triangle. Whoever occupies the "Muse-spot" leads their team with movement ideas.
New dance party game gets everybody up and moving – Easy dance exercise fun for all ages
(Can't Hold Us) Eighty+ 5th-8th Graders celebrate their "Peace Day" with a MUVE Dancing Party. Removable stickers on the ground divide the students in four groups. Each section as stickers on opposing sides. One by one the children step forward to lead one movement into the center and back. If a dancer can't come up with an idea, the game-leader suggest the movement to the group so as to not hold up the process by waiting.
Dance Party Game for School and Home. Students get their groove on!
(Slow Down) This video shows a large group of 80+ kids dance exercising at a school party. There are 4 sub-groups, each creating a circle. In each group the kids jump into the middle one after another to inspire their team with a cool dance move. This is one of the easiest MUVE dancing Games because it does not require any floor markings and can be done anywhere and anytime with however many people.
New Creative Party Dancing Game – Kids and adults explore spontaneous moves
(Viva La Via 2) The Tight-rope-slide (TRS) is one of the new games discovered in 2013. It is super easy to set up with any group/party. Basic idea: Imagine you and your partner/partners are dancing on a tight rope from one side to the other and back. Whoever is in the front leads the movement.
(Koop Island) Concepts: BODYPARTS. This creative movement game is called "independent Triangles." It is super easy to set up, and it can be played by an unlimited amount of people! Motivate your staff to this fun and easy dance exercises at work or invite MUVE to come to your workplace to set up a MUVE employee fitness program.
In this dance exercise video we have asked the participants to form teams of three. Each team is given one sticker to mark the lead-dancer (MUSE) spot. As the games progresses a Caller will give the command to "Huli Huli" which means "move within your triangle team clockwise to the next position." Now a new MUSE will take up the lead in each triangle. Take a look how easy this is for this group of co-workers.
To help with spontaneous movement ideas we are displaying the MUVE Concepts cards "Bodyparts." There are many "Inspiration Tools" available at to help get the party started. This game is only one of many MUVE Dancing Games available for free at
Workplace wellness ideas can also be found in form of desktop exercises you can do right in front of your computer whenever you feel like it. Try out the many desk exercises with the Office MUVE videos at our site These are easy dance-alongs to do in small spaces and will inspire physical activity in the workplace.
Dance Exercise for Teenagers – Creativity, Teamwork and Leadership Skills Training for Teens
(1, 2 Step) There are colored markers on the ground. Each group of 4 spots has a different color and one of them has a "double-spot" which we call "Snake-eyes." If you land on this spot you will be the first "head" and start leading your team in a SNAKE-Dance (conga-line) until the Caller calls for a "SWITCH & SCOOT." Now all dancers turn 180 degrees, the last member becomes the new leader (SWITCH) and, in an additional movement the old leader now scoots up by one position (SCOOT). This double action moves every player of the team into the leading position. Take a look. These participants have never MUVEed before and some can feel their shyness being challenged.
MUVE dance exercises are great party activities for teenagers and adults alike.
This spontaneous dancing game is super fun and easy for groups from 3 to 300. Just mark the spots and have a microphone for explaining the rules.
Dance Activity Game for School, Party or any Get-Together – Spontaneous Dancing Fun for all Ages
(Get Lucky) At this summer's Winners Camp workshop we discovered a new MUVE Dancing Game (MDG) that is super easy to set up - actually can be played without any markings, but still works more smoothly on the Partner Grid.
The name of the game is the "Tight-Rope-Slide". In this game, partners lead each other in dance, sliding as a pair (like on a tandem bicycle) from one side of the room to the other and back. Whenever the two dancers come to the "end of the rope" they turn 180 degrees and start moving to the opposite direction. The dancer in the front is providing the movement ideas until the turn, when the second dancer takes over the lead.
To make it more fun we can throw in a "MIX-UP," that's when we break our partnerships and find a new partner to do the Tight-Rope-Slide again.
Group Dance Activity Ideas – Dance Improvisation Exercises for Teens and Staff for Summer Fun
(SOS) 96+ people are participating in this easy dance moves exercise everyone can do. The dance floor is separated into 4 sections with 24 marked spots on the ground. The Wave is a group mirroring game, where each side takes turns inspiring the other with new dance moves. In each group each dancer leads one spontaneous dance movement to the center and back.
Large Group Dance Exercises at Staff Wellness Workshop – Employee Fitness Made Fun and Easy!
(Accentuate The Positive) This is a dance-along with 100+ people participating! A projector helps communicate the inspiring Movement Concepts "MOTIONS" as the group loosely follows MUSE Maggie on stage. MUVE Dance-alongs and Dancing Games are easy to do. They help relieve stress, improve physical wellbeing and give people the opportunity to connect with each other. When you invite MUVE to do a workshop with your staff, faculty, assembly or party guests we will usually start with a simple dance following a MUSE. But very soon everyone gets to explore their own moves and then share them with their co-dancers. Invite a MUVE educator to "animate" your office meeting or party. Find out more at the MUVE website where you can learn to teach these games yourself. For help hire a MUVE Educator to lead your group into a fun collective mass physical activity game. Find info on the website