10 Principles Method

Infinity Dancing Games, School Physical Activity Program

Movement activity game inspires elementary school kids to express emotions with their bodies

(Take my heart) These elementary students express emotions like happiness, fear, shock, peacefulness etc. in MUVE dancing game called "Infinity Loops." The emotions to be expressed are prompted by a slideshow at the end of the "runway." Moving down the stretch in pairs the children learn how an emotion can change the way you move.

Infinity Dancing Games

Kids Workout Dance Activity – Fun with Dancing School Exercises

(Let's Bounce ) The Infinity Loop is one if many spontaneous MUVE Dancing Games. It requires almost no preparation other than a group of enthusiastic dancers. In pairs of 2 the children dance down the line. We like to suggest a movement concept or idea to the kids. This could be any of the graphic MUVE-inspiration concepts (Body-parts, Motions, Emotions, Characters etc.) or, like in this dance, a Muse (lead dancer, teacher) demonstrating specific movements. You can find instructions for MUVE Dancing Games at https://muve.org/muve-dancing-games/

Dancing Games with MUVE Concepts, Infinity Dancing Games

MUVE Dancing Games are Great School Exercises for Kids and Teens

(Shake) MGD: Infinity Loops with MOTION Concepts. Students shine as they share their spontaneous dance moves with classmates, in this MUVE Dancing Game called Infinity Loops. This exercise activity for kids is an easy dance workout that gives students an opportunity to dance in the spotlight and cheer on those who are dancing. In this easy to set up dance activity, teachers make two parallel lines with tape 5-8 feet apart and divide group of dancers in two. Dancers stand on the lines and from the 'top' of the game, a dancer from each side pair up and boogie down the 'catwalk'. Pairs return to their beginning side, and the loop effortlessly continues with the next pair of dancers. Teachers can suggest a dance move or use a MUVE Concept Card to inspire and reinforce the theme of lesson. Infinity Loops are an easy dance workout that can be played by all ages and levels of experience.