10 Principles Method

Staff and community workshops • Let's Dance with preschool teachers

www.muve.com Group dance-along at a preschool staff workshop, 8/2010. This lively spontaneous dance is a "Center MUSE Dancing Game." In this dance video two volunteers help Maggie lead a group of about 30 preschool teachers. As always, in a MUVE-dance-along, participants follow the inspirations of the "Muse" (lead dancer) loosely. A MUVE workshop usually starts with participants following the lead of the lead-Muse (Maggie) in learning the Basic MUVES. The Basic MUVES are an easy stepping system to improve confidence and dancing skills for newcomers to dancing. Here you see the second phase in the MUVE workshop when participants are introduced to the principle of the "Muse -- Rotation." The physical location of a dancer determines his/her role in the group dancing game. Whoever occupies the "Muse-Spot" is in the lead. Rotating clockwise, moves in a new Muse with fresh ideas and her personal spin on things. Even though the players on the outside triangles keep following the center triangle, they practice the clockwise rotation within their own little group of three dancers to get ready for phase three -- when everyone will be leading and inspiring others as a Muse. All dancers in this games are new to MUVE, which proves the point that you do not need to be prepared to do a MUVE-dance, just willing to let loose and have fun with your friends at home, in school or anywhere you can find a dance floor. MGDs are great disco party games, a wonderful way to connect with friends and loved ones in an easy cardio workout that is full of fun, excitement, creativity and community. Download the FREE instructions to this and other MUVE Dancing Games at www.muve.com.