10 Principles Method

Youth Group Games – Dance Party – Creative Icebreaker Games

As part of the fifth anniversary of Let’s Move! First Lady Michelle Obama is encouraging Americans across the country to give out high-fives when they see someone making healthy choices. And she’s challenging everyone to #‎GimmeFive, and show her 5 things they are doing to be more active, and lead a healthier life. This MUVE Dancing Game is called "The WAVE." The WAVE is a party game that is super easy to set up. You can actually play this without any floor markers at all. This group movement game gives every dancer the opportunity to shine in from of the whole group. One after the other each dancer will offer a specific move for the whole team to do. We all move together like a wave, all the way to the center, briefly connect with the opposite side and then retreat to the outside lines again. Then the next dancer take the lead for the next motion.

One Response to “Youth Group Games – Dance Party – Creative Icebreaker Games”

  1. Shawn says:

    This is a fantastic dance game for medium event.
    We had this for a local council event for the youth, people love it so much!
    Thanks for creating thus great activity for the community!