Enjoy Healthy Quality Time with the Whole Family
Expand Your Personal Creativity
Improve Your Dancing Skills
Experience Playful Interactions with Peers
Dance with Your Friends for Health and Fun
Develop Confidence and Practice Leadership Skills
Playfully Dance to Loosen Up and Let Go!
Dancing Games for People of all Ages,
Shapes and Sizes
MUVE empowers people of all shapes and sizes, abilities and ages to become confident about freely dancing to music. MUVE Dancing Games (MDGs) give us the opportunity to come together and playfully exercise, explore creatively, and build community.
In a MUVE Dancing Game (MDG) players take turns inspiring each other with dance movement-ideas. Players follow each other “loosely,” and they are free to interpret movements in their own style/shape/speed/size.
A Dancing Game can be a quick break or a full fledged exercise session. MUVE dance can inspire individuals, families, groups, co-workers, students, teachers, toddlers, the elderly, athletes and the overweight. In short, everyone can benefit!
Each dance has a game-plan and players have specific roles to play. As soon as the music starts, the game is on auto pilot. Fulfilling their role within the game keeps everyone engaged simultaneously and non-stop!
No MUVE is better than another. No particular physical skill is needed. Even people with health or weight issues can shine in a MUVE dancing game, because the goal is not to be physically perfect, but to be creative and entertaining for others.
Use below instructions and sample videos to inspire your family, friends, coworkers or students to a fun and invigorating experience. Go ahead and do it. There is nothing to it!
Below Icon-Buttons will lead you to the various MUVE Danicng Game instructions. There are sample videos for each game.
We usually start a session with a dance-along and then let the dancers explore in small teams before putting them on the spot to lead the group.
Independent Triangles, Pods & Pearls or the CIRCLE Games are great party starters. They will activate your group in no time with minimal set-up time.
Make sure to also check the MUVE Lesson Plans on the School MUVE page.
Enjoy our games and let us know if you discover a new game we haven’t thought of yet!
Level 1Learn from a MUSE
Level 2Explore with Peers
Level 3Lead the Group
The Players and their Roles
The Muse
As a Muse you are the lead dancer. You are there to have fun, be creative, and inspire your Co-dancers. The object is not be the most acrobatic, but to move in a way that everybody can dance along with you. You can dance in a chaotic style and do whatever you like. However, if you simplify and repeat your MUVES, it will be easier and more fun for your fellow dancers to follow.
Not everyone enjoys being in the lead at first. Being a Muse is always voluntary. If a dancer does not want to be a Muse, they can forgo their turn by simply advancing to the Muse-spot and immediately moving on to the next position.
The Dancer
As a dancer you have the choice to follow the Muse, give your own interpretation of the idea supplied by the Muse, or create your own dance altogether. Adjust your movements to fit your personal needs. Enjoy the dance and bask in the energy of the group.
The Caller/ Game Leader
Position changes can be initiated by the Muse or a Caller. Anyone can be the Caller. Having a Caller gives the game a nice flow and assures that everybody gets their time to shine. To initiate a Muse-rotation the Caller can either use their own voice or any noise making device loud enough to be heard over the music.
The Basic Muse Rotation

3 players, placed in a Triangle-formation, alternate leading the dance. The Call for a Triangle-rotation is “HULI HULI” and tells each player to move one position clockwise. This moves a new Muse (dance-leader) on to the “Muse-spot.” A single Triangle does not need markings on the ground. However markings help avoid confusion about leadership and are recommended. The same game can also be played by 4 or more players. The Triangle wides to a Diamond for 4 players and to a Circle for an unlimited amount of players.

The Center Muse Switch

One spot is marked as the MUSE-Spot. The Dancers in the circle follow the lead Muse in the center. When the Muse is ready, he/she selects another player to switch places with and the next Muse takes over the lead.
This is a very simple set-up and no Caller is needed.

The Muse Circles • 6 to 21 Players
A specific number of Muses leads their respective Triangle simultaneously. Each Muse inspires the two other dancers in her/his Triangle. With a
Move (Rotation Call), the Muses rotate clockwise on the
Muse Circle
into the next Triangle. In turn, each Muse will lead each Triangle. All Co-dancers
receive ideas from each of the Muses.
The MUVE Dancing Grid • 21 Players +/-
The Dancing Grid is the “game-board” of the MUVE Dancing Games for large groups.The function of the grid is to facilitate group movements. Different movement actions are prescribed for each MUVE Dancing Game detailed below. A standard grid for school children has a diameter of 18 feet, for adults about 24 feet. Dancing positions are marked on the ground ahead of time with an easy to create Grid-Maker-Tool, a few stickers and some masking tape.

See video on how to set up the
MUVE Dancing Grid for large groups
The Movement-Calls
The group-movements in a MUVE Dancing Game are initiated by a “Call.” The Calls can be vocal if the acoustics will allow it, or you can use a noise making device, for example a gong, a whistle, horn or bell. Practice the group-movements associated with each Call before starting the music. Changes of player positions on Grid are either initiated by the Caller (Game Leader) or by the Muse/Muses (Lead Dancer/Dancers.)
The Calls “Huli Huli”and “Move”
• Huli Huli: 3 players of a Triangle move clockwise by one position within their individual Triangle.
• Move: The players move as a complete Triangle or as Individuals to the next spot on the Grid.

Example for Huli Huli: The players of each Triangle move one position clockwise within their Triangle. Because all Triangles stay independent from each other, the Rotations can be initiated by individual Muses and can happen at different points in time.
Example for Move: The players of each Triangle move as a team into the next Triangle on the Grid (clockwise.) In some games individual players move into the next Triangle. To make sure all players move at the same time, a Caller is needed.

The easiest way to organize a group of people for a MUVE Dancing Game is with the Partner Grid. Here partnerships are created by connecting to the person who is directly opposite to ones own spot, on the other side of the room.
On the two long sides of your room place removable stickers on the ground, about 3’ apart from each other. If you have a very large space or a small group make it 4’ or 5’. If you work with a small space or with small children, you can bring the dots closer.
The more space you can allot between the dots the better, because it will be easier to determine who is the partner on the other side.
Another way to use this grid is to set up a SNAKE Dance. Create two long snakes or sub-divide the Partner Grid in shorter sections. See below video where we divided 90+ people into 4 people SNAKES.
The Partner Grid is also the starting point for the Partner WAVE. Here the partners move to center and back, keeping connected on an imaginery straight line.

In MUVE we dance with everyone! To accommodate this principle, partnerships are always temporary, either for the duration of a song or even just a section of a song. To break and form new partnerships, we use the call “MIX-UP.”
For a group dancing on the TRIANGLE Grid, this means to leave the team and find a new TRIANGLE with new partners. For a group dancing from the PARTNER Grid, this means leave your partner and find a new spot on the PARTNER Grid and with that a new partner.