Fun Group Games for Kids – Easy MUVE Dance Activities for Students
(If I ever feel better) Need an easy fun game for your kids or students? Try this super easy and fun game that gets your heart pumping and share creative expression. This MUVE Dancing Game is called the CIRCLE JUMP. There is one "Muse-Spot" (a sticker on the ground) in the center. When the game leader calls for a "Switch" the current lead dancer leaves the center and whoever gets to he center-spot fastest is the next Muse (dance leader). In this game the children are learning several things. One is to overcome their shyness and assert themselves by competing for the Muse-spot. Another is to mind others, not to bully and push but to be gentle in the process. It's important to discuss this at the start of the game. You can JUMP for a second time, but only if there is not another dancer who has not gone before. So we learn to look out for and encourage each other. Then when we get to the center we learn leadership by offering our movement ideas to the group as we practice our creativity by pulling fun dancing ideas out of thin air.
Dance Activities for Kids – Team-building games for students – Creative Icebreaker Games
Let's have fun and exercise in school with fun and easy MUVE dancing games. Check out these kids create a group movement where creativity, team building and leadership skills are encouraged. As part of the fifth anniversary of Let’s Move! First Lady Michelle Obama is encouraging Americans across the country to give out high-fives when they see someone making healthy choices. And she’s challenging everyone to #GimmeFive, and show her 5 things they are doing to be more active, and lead a healthier life.This MUVE Dancing Game is called "The WAVE".
The WAVE is a school activity and party game that is super easy to set up. You can actually play this without any floor markers at all. This group movement game gives every dancer the opportunity to shine in from of the whole group. One after the other each dancer will offer a specific move for the whole team to do. We all move together like a wave, all the way to the center, briefly connect with the opposite side and then retreat to the outside lines again. Then the next dancer take the lead for the next motion.
Fitness in the Morning- Large Group Dance Games- Fun Exercise Activities
(On Top of the World) MUVE and our local elementary school joined forces to battle low attendance among it's students. Our creative solution was to energize the students twice a week right before academics. We lead a dance party with dancing games, this event is for every grade and all abilities. We celebrate creativity, cooperation, working together and having fun with new people. Two groups, each with 100+ students and teachers. The results have been remarkable.
This MUVE Dancing Game is called the "Muse Circle." 9 muses volunteered as lead dancers. There job is to create a dance movement that the entire group will follow. When the Caller's signal, the Muses rotate and a new Muse is in the center, ready to lead the group. With each rotation a new combination of dancers explore creative dance together.
How to express Emotions in dance – Instructional Video for School Exercise Program
(Emotions Talk) MUVE dancing games provide opportunities for participants to be creative and expressive, fostering the relationship of music and movement with each dancer. This video shows how MUVE teachers warm a group up to new Dancing Concept Cards. In this class, the theme is 'Emotions'. For some this theme can be too abstract- for others the inner thespian emerges. To get everyone loose and generating ideas, make sure you take time to discuss and practice how movements change when we express feelings. Let the students be silly, encourage them to ham it up and dance their emotions. Take a look at the MUVE tool box and see some of the other Concept Cards that can inspire your class.
Kids Enjoy Dance in School – MUVE Dance Exercises promote cooperation, self-expression and leadership.
(Song: I feel so close to you) The group is playing our new favorite game, the 'Cascading Wave' . This is a great game because everyone gets to contribute their creative moves. For such a large workshop, we separated the children into four groups. Removable stickers on the ground gives each child their assigned position and clearly divides each section. Each section as stickers on opposing sides. One by one the children step forward to lead one movement into the center and back. If a dancer can't come up with an idea, the game-leader suggest the movement to the group so as to not hold up the process by waiting.
Sometimes leading a dancing game can get tiring, coming up with dance move after dance move. This game is easy to facilitate for instructors, because it gives the participants permission to lead the group. Everyone has fun sharing the leadership role. The 'Cascading Wave' is a group mirroring game, that ignites the group and keeps them focused and cohesive.
Students Express Creativity through Movement – Dancing Games for Kids at School
(Be Free)
MUVE dancing games are easy and adaptable for everyone. This game is called, "Follow the 3 Muses in the Center "- this is the 1st game of the Triangle Game series. This video demonstrates one of our beginner games- utilized as a creative physical warm up for any group..
People learn to "MUVE" by following the lead dancer called "The MUSE." The MUSE will spontaneously create movements for you to follow "loosely" as we say. It means that you are not expected to precisely copy what you see, but to use the movement ideas as an inspiration to create your moves just the way you like them. At any moment you are encouraged to explore on your own, or to just follow along like a bird in a flock. The MUSE will keep her moves simple so you can catch on. She will demonstrate movements with different body-parts or movement types, speed, emotion - all to get you to experience brand new ways of dancing.
Express Emotions through Dance – MUVE Exercise activities for kids inspired by MUVE Concepts.
(Dirty Side of the Street) Improvisational dance exercise activities for kids can be played at school or at home. MUVE Dancing games are all about cooperation, leadership and encouraging movement creativity for every individual. In this game 7 student dancers practice leading the entire group, while being inspired by Muve Concepts Cards- Emotions. The Emotions Cards are great for supporting kids to use movement as a form of expression.
In this dancing video a group of 7 Muses alternates leading the dance, inspired by Emotion Muve Concept Cards. The 7 Muses take turns in the 'Muse-spot' by rotating clockwise into the center position. Change is initiated by the Caller or the individual Center Muse by calling 'MOVE'. Only the Muses rotate. The other dancers stay at their locations and follow the Muse in the center loosely. Having a Center Muse unites all dancers in a common dance action.
Elementary students learn to move in dancing game and to work as a team
(The Metro) Game Plan: "Follow the 3 Muses" with the addition of "Pearls on a String." Three dancers lead the whole group through this dance. There is a Center-Muse spot marked in red on the center Triangle. All follow the center Muse "loosely," that means in their own way. A Muse will always only offer movement suggestions. Everyone is free to follow or do their own moves, or any mixture of the two.
We are learning to move as a whole group as well as moving together in teams of 3 dancers.
Navigating throughout the whole room is exciting and challenging.
Easy Fitness Game that creates an instant Dance Party with your group
(Call Me Maybe) This large group of Elementary students celebrate their "Peace Day" with a MUVE Dancing Party. How lovely is that?
The group is playing our new favorite game, the 'Cascading Wave' . This is a great game because everyone gets to contribute their creative dance moves. For such a large workshop, we separated the children into four groups. Removable stickers on the ground gives each child their assigned position and clearly divides each section. Each section as stickers on opposing sides. One by one the children step forward to lead one movement into the center and back. If a dancer can't come up with an idea, the game-leader suggest the movement to the group so as to not hold up the process by waiting. Find detailed instructions for this and all the other great MUVE dancing Games at
Dancing with Preschool kids – MUVE circle dancing game for small children
(Song: One World by Cheetah Girls) Small children love music and they dance naturally. So all we do is give them the opportunity to dance. The "Circle JUMP" is one of the most simple MUVE Dancing Games because it needs not set up other than getting the preschoolers into a circle formation. Then one after the other gets to jump into the middle and bust a move.
Elementary school movement activity and agility game "Weaving" – dance exercise for kids
(Move around) In this MUVE dancing game teams of three student dancers negotiate using the space in between and around each other. Basic instruction: Move through the space created by your two fellow team members without touching each other. The students are learning to provide space for others as well as to claim space for themselves. When do I proceed? When do I claim the space.
This community dancing game provides the opportunity to learn about teamwork and interaction. Because all three dancers move at the same time their physical agility is exercised. It's fast and it is fun. The more you practice the more fluent the team-movement becomes.
Movement activity game inspires elementary school kids to express emotions with their bodies
(Take my heart) These elementary students express emotions like happiness, fear, shock, peacefulness etc. in MUVE dancing game called "Infinity Loops." The emotions to be expressed are prompted by a slideshow at the end of the "runway." Moving down the stretch in pairs the children learn how an emotion can change the way you move.
Maggie teaches the 3 Basic Moves – a simple method for dancing spontaneously
(You never can tell) Would you like to know an easy method for dancing spontaneously anywhere, to any music for any occasion? The 3 Basic MUVES of the MUVE Method are a super easy way to get moving on the dance floor. This dance along video teaches these primal movements to a group of elementary students to a fun old rock'n roll tune.
Just get up and dance with us right here, right now. There's never a better moment than NOW!
Elementary school kids dance exercise and practice manipulative skills with plates
20 second graders handle colorful plates while dancing in a MUVE Dancing Game call "7 MUSE Circle." 7 kids have volunteered to lead this dance. They rotate on the MUSE-circle to lead their fellow students in 7 Triangles.
In a group there will always be several dancers who love to be in the leadership position. If you lead the movement you are what we call a "MUSE." Anyone can be a MUSE but for some it comes naturally while others have to work up their confidence to fulfill that role. In this game the 7 MUSES get to lead all their fellow class mates in turn. And each Triangle gets to experience each and every one of the 7 leaders.
Movement game for elementary students creates dance exercise fun and leadership opportunities
(Mi Nina) In this game we are learning to work as a team and lead each other in spontaneous dance moves. The dancing starts on the Triangle Grid. Each Triangle has a specific corner marked with a red dot. This is the "Muse-Spot", whoever occupies it is the leader of their triangle-team. When the teacher/caller gives the command to "Break out," the students on the red spots now lead their teams in a snake dance all around the room. After a while, the teacher calls a "Mix-up" and everyone finds a new triangle with new team mates. We start all over again on the Triangles until the next "Break-out."
Characters and Dance – improvised dance exercises for school children
(Kelly's Heroes ) The lesson plan for this MUVE dance workshop centers around how you can move your body representing a character (be someone you are not.)
The students have each chosen a character role and practiced to dance in "Character" in a previous dance. Now they demonstrate their dance moves to lead the whole group in a dance-along. The underlying game structure is called "All TRIANGLES Move."
School Physical Activity Game – Dance Exercise at School made Easy
(To Much Time) This MUVE Dancing Game is called the "Muse Circle." 7 kids are volunteering as lead dancers (Muses.) On the Caller's (game leader) signal. the Muses rotate clockwise into the next Triangle. With each rotation an new combination of dancers explore creative dance together.
Learn to dance in synch with the 4 count beat and change the tempo of your movements
(Cakewalk) In this lesson we learn about the 4-count-beat. We use a 4-count beat in most all our western music forms. Keeping the beat together keeps all musicians in sync. The same goes for us dancers - we too share the 4-counts with the musicians and accentuate our movements in synch with the beat.
With the help of the 4-count-beat we can learn how to speed up and how to slow down the tempo of our movements. We can step at the same speed with 4 steps/accentuations per 4 beats. Or we can slow it down to only 2 steps/accentuations per 4 counts, all the way to only 1 beat per 4 counts. If we take 8 steps in the same time frame we are going "super-speed."
Dance Party Game for School and Home. Students get their groove on!
(Slow Down) This video shows a large group of 80+ kids dance exercising at a school party. There are 4 sub-groups, each creating a circle. In each group the kids jump into the middle one after another to inspire their team with a cool dance move. This is one of the easiest MUVE dancing Games because it does not require any floor markings and can be done anywhere and anytime with however many people.
New Creative Party Dancing Game – Kids and adults explore spontaneous moves
(Viva La Via 2) The Tight-rope-slide (TRS) is one of the new games discovered in 2013. It is super easy to set up with any group/party. Basic idea: Imagine you and your partner/partners are dancing on a tight rope from one side to the other and back. Whoever is in the front leads the movement.
Creative dance for preschool children – Simple spontaneous dancing for kids and adults
(Bare Necessities) Seems like preschool and kindergarten students are always excited to dance, so getting them up and moving shouldn't be hard to do. These kids are experiencing MUVE for the very first time. Some jump right in while others need some time to adjust to the situation. Here you see a preschool dance party with four groups with a total of about 80 kids. For inspiration we are displaying the MUVE Bodyparts concepts cards. The dance leader (The Muse) demonstrates movements for the different bodyparts. The kids pick up the idea or create their own - as always in MUVE.
School kids create spontaneous movement with various toys inspired by MUVE dance concepts.
(Everybody) In this MUVE dancing lesson we explore how an object can inspire creative movement. The caller offers conceptual ideas based on the MUVE inspiration concepts "MOTIONS" and "EMOTIONS." Everyone creates their own dance reflecting the specific idea or state.
School physical activity dance lesson – Students learn about dancing the OPPOSITES
(Black Horse and the Cherry Tree) This video shows Maggie teaching the "OPPOSITES". Students learn to express spontaneous movements inspired by opposing concepts like stiff/loose, big/small, high/low, slow/fast, heavy/light, happy/sad, front/back. Of course you can use any kind of opposite or let the students create their own opposite pairs before you start the dance. The above concepts have proven to be great inspiration tools. If you want to use visual cues to help boost creativity and excitement check out the many tools available from MUVE
School exercises for kids – Spontaneous dance fitness and social interaction for students
(Moves like Jagger) In a MUVE Dancing Game players inspire each other with their improvised dance moves. Every move is community property - anyone is allowed to copy/follow any move. The dancing games you are watching here is called INDEPENDENT TRIANGLES. It is one of the first games that was developed and continues to be a favorite for all age groups from children to adults, seniors and the elderly. 3 or 4 dancers alternate leading their little team in the dance.
Dance activity games for groups – MUVE – the physical exercise kids like
(Comin' Home) The MUVE school physical activity program can be easily implemented for any grade level. The biggest fans are elementary students. They are still open to un-inhibited moves and got some pretty good motors skills. Here you are seeing grades K-3rd. This game is called the Cascading WAVE.
How to express Emotions in dance – Free School Exercise Program – Spontaneous MUVE Dancing for Kids
(Fancy Footwork) This video shows school children dancing inspired by the EMOTIONS - one of the many MUVE Concept Card series. Before starting this song we have discussed and practiced how movements change when we express feelings when we dance. Now, before we are ready to share our ideas with each other, we each practice independently, as we follow the suggestions of the EMOTIONS Concept Slide-show. So here, everybody dances individually.
After school activity program – Spontaneous Dancing Games for kids and teens
(Let's Dance) This MUVE Lesson is about OPPOSITES. We learn to move expressing concepts like big or small, stiff or loose, low or high, happy or sad. This video shows the beginning of the MUVE dance work shop, when the kids learn by following 3 Muses in the center triangle. One student volunteer leads the class together with Muses Maggie and Rachel. Next the children will learn to create their own dance expressing the OPPOSITES. The last part of a MUVE dance lesson is for the students to become Muses themselves and teach each other by example.
School Dancing Game inspired by MUVE Flash-Cards "Moods & Modes"
(Big Time Boppin'.) MOODS & MODES. In this dance activity for children, kids create spontaneous dance exercises on their own. They get creative inspiration from concept-flash-cards affixed to each of the 7 Triangles on the floor. For this song the MUVE Educators have chosen the concepts Slow, Fast, Light, Heavy, Angry, Happy and Sad.
Check it Out- Kids Exercise in School with Creative Dance Activity Program
(Check it Out) Students exercise in school by using MUVE's dance games for kids. After teaching our students the MUVE Dancing Concepts, we took it to the next level by combining themes. In this game, students use MUVE's new dancing game, 'The Wave' and dance two Dancing Inspirations- BODYPARTS and MOTIONS. These dance activity ideas give students the opportunity to explore their movements and enjoy new ways to dance with their whole bodies.
The Wave is a group mirroring game, where each side takes turns inspiring the other with new dance moves. The first group collectively chooses a dancing concept that they will dance to the center line. In response, the second group first watches movements, learn it and echo it back. In this version, the dancing concepts are given by the caller. The Caller uses the beautifully designed MUVE Animation Cards to to give visual reference for dancers.
Dance Games for Kids- School Exercises with MUVE for Kids Workout
(Black or White) Watch these students have fun with MUVE's dance games for kids. This dancing activity is all about catching the beat of the song and dancing harmoniously with the rhythm. In this MUVE dance lesson, MUVE Educators support young Muses as they enter the center triangle and inspire the whole group with their dance moves, transitioning between 1,2,4,8 count emphasis of the song. MUVE supports fun fitness exercise for kids can enjoy together, while simultaneously showing how to dance for kids.
Spontaneous School Dance Party for Kids – Free Dance Exercises Game Online
(Dance Party Song) All students have practiced specific "MOTIONS" and now are demonstrating their moves as they rotate into the MUSE spot (Leader-spot.) The game is called "All Triangles Move w/ Center MUSE." See details at
This group is a mix of 3rd & 5th graders. School MUVE fitness activities for kids have neither age nor ability limitations. Each student creates at their own level. When mixing age groups in a MUVE session, the older kids become the example the younger ones aspire to. Older children learn to be leaders, and even the smaller kids learn to lead the older ones. The same is true for playing MUVE dance exercise games at home. Grandpa and toddler can do a MUVE dance along workout together with all the rest of the family.
Dance Movement Games for Kids – Dance Exercise Kids, Adults and Seniors can do together!
(Move Your Body) Partner-WAVE Game. The MUVE Physical Activity Program for School Children teaches numerous dancing games to play with groups of any size. MUVE physical activity games for kids can be played at school or at home. And every MUVE dance activity can be enjoyed by the whole family because every-one adjusts their moves to their own needs.
The game featured here is one of the WAVE games. In this one the children relate to a specific partner on the opposite side. They have already practiced movements in different CHARACTER-roles (robot, ballerina, cowboy, hula dancer etc.) in several dance exercises before, and now try out the newly learned moves with each other.
When the game leader calls for a "MIX-UP" all connections are broken and the kids dance freely around the room until a "RETURN" is called. Now everyone finds a new spot and with that also a new dancer to do the next Partner-WAVE with.
Exercise in School – MUVE Dance Exercises promote Fun, Social Interaction and Health
(Riva) To date there are 18 MUVE Dancing Games explained and demonstrated at . MUVE school dance exercises are so much fun to do, that the kids don't even realize that they are exercising.
This MUVE Dancing Game is called the Cascading WAVE. Each dancer leads one movement into the center and back. This could also be played in a CIRCLE formation.
Easy Dance Games for Kids – Catch The Beat with the 4 Count Lesson
(In the Bag) Learning to dance to the beat and move with the rhythm is easy to teach, using the MUVE’s Catch the Beat Lesson. Each song has an underlying pulse that marks time and common beat for all instruments. In this dance along video, students have the opportunity to experiment accentuating the common beat of the song, by slowing down and speeding up movements. In MUVE the beat is identified by acknowledging the most common 4 count. The Wave is a group mirroring game, where each side takes turns inspiring the other with new dance moves. The first group collectively chooses a dancing concept that they will dance to the center line. In response, the second group first watches movements, learn it and echo it back. In this version, the dancing concepts are given by a caller on each side. The Caller uses the beautifully designed MUVE Animation Cards to to give visual reference for dancers.
Exercise Kids Like – MUVE Dance Games for Kids are Fun Physical Activities for School and Home
(If I ever feel better) This MUVE Dancing Game is called the CIRCLE JUMP. There is one "Muse-Spot" (a sticker on the ground) in the center. When the game leader calls for a "Switch" the current lead dancer leaves the center and whoever gets to he center-spot fastest is the next Muse (dance leader). In this game the children are learning several things. One is to overcome their shyness and assert themselves by competing for the Muse-spot. Another is to mind others, not to bully and push but to be gentle in the process. It's important to discuss this at the start of the game. You can JUMP for a second time, but only if there is not another dancer who has not gone before. So we learn to look out for and encourage each other. Then when we get to the center we learn leadership by offering our movement ideas to the group as we practice our creativity by pulling fun dancing ideas out of thin air.
Dance in Character – Physical Activity School Exercises that Feel like Play – Easy Dance Workout
(Two Turn Tables. - CHARACTERS) The students have each chosen a character role and practiced to dance in "Character" in a previous dance. Now they are demonstration their dance moves to each other in this spontaneous MUVE dancing game called "All Triangles Move." As the kids rotate into the "MUSE-Spot" (leader spot) they all get to be the leader for the whole group following their movement cues. Because we always dance spontaneously we only follow "loosely," everyone in their own style. That's the secret why MUVE is fun for everyone no matter their age or physical shape!
Move as ONE – Kids Dance Exercise at School – Social and Manipulative Skills
(Feel Good) In this game students practice handling props as a group while spontaneously dancing.
Teams of three students dance on triangles marked on the ground. On the call "Huli Huli" students rotate one position clockwise. In each of the triangles one position is specially marked as the "Muse-spot". Whoever lands on this marker is the Muse for the other two dancers in the team and inspires them with ideas for dance movements.
When the Caller calls "Move" the teams place their "Eggs"(balls) in the "Basket" (plate) and then carry the plate to the next triangle. Only one hand is used, inspiring groups to slow down and work together. Any egg that hits the ground is discarded. The goal is to save as many eggs as possible.
Dancing with Everyone – Mix-ups Create Social Connections for Students
(Thriller) Independent Triangles with Break-outs and Mix-ups. This is a great example of how you can "mix-up" your students to play with peers they might not otherwise seek out. This highlights the social aspect of the spontaneous MUVE dancing games. With MUVE, exercise in school takes the form of dance games for kids. It's easy and fun dance exercise your students will love!
Students inspire each other with ideas for dance movements. Teams of three students dance on triangles marked on the ground. One position is specially marked as the "Muse-spot". Whoever lands on this marker is the lead dancer (teaches leadership skills) for the other two dancers in the team. When the Caller calls a "Break-out" all dancers freestyle around the room until the next call "Mix-up" lets everyone find a new spot in a new triangle with new partners.
Watch these 3rd graders exercise in school, as students dance the Opposites and demonstrate MUVE's new Dancing Game- The Wave. In this MUVE Dance Lesson, Maggie shows children that dancing the opposites help dancers creatively explore the full range of their movements. The Wave quickly became one of MUVE's favorite exercise activities for kids because of how the whole group can collectively dance and share their dancing ideas altogether. The Wave is a group mirroring game, where each side takes turns inspiring the other with new dance moves. The first group collectively chooses a dancing concept that they will dance to the center line. In response, the second group first watches movements, learn it and echo it back. In this version, the dancing concepts are given by a caller on each side pensive. The Caller uses the beautifully designed MUVE Animation Cards to to give visual reference for dancers.
School Dance for Kids – Easy Dance-Along Exercise Activities for Kids
(Fancy Footwork - MOTIONS) Elementary students exercise in school as MUVE shares how dancing activities broaden ones range of movement. In this dance along video, we focus on specific Motions and demonstrate how our dance moves can become more creative. MUVE has created Motion Inspiration Cards which give dancers a visual cue of Motions being focused on. Dancers are inspired by indicated Motion Card and loosely interpret their own meaning. MUVE's Follow 3 Muses Triangle Game, a favorite dance activity for kids, is a game where 3 Muses alternate leading the whole group and all players follow the Muse in the center. MUVE supports school exercises for kids and this video is an example of how to dance for kids and use dance for exercise.
Easy Partner Game- Spontaneous Dance Game for Kids
(Sweet Dreams) In this game students create a dance together with a partner. In preparation of this game, markers are placed on the long side-lines of the room. Spaced in about 3 feet intervals, each spot has a corresponding mate on the opposing side. When the Caller calls "MIX-UP" the connection is broken and all players find a new spot on the side-lines and see who their next partner will be. NOTE: "MIX-UPS" take time, especially for large groups. Make sure players know to help each other find the empty spots fast, so the dance can continue without delay. Encourage players to dance freely around the entire room and not get stuck at the center-line.
Check the Dancing Game Page at the website! And these games are just as much fun for grownups!
Move Like a Chicken – independent Triangles – 2nd Grade
In the “independent TRIANGLES” dancing game, players rotate within their individual Triangles to the “Muse-Spot” to lead two fellow dancers. This game is a good icebreaker to practice the role of the Muse. Each Muse only leads two fellow Dancers. This may make it easier for shy people to enjoy being a Lead Dancer.
In this game the the Rotation Calls are initiated by the Caller (Teacher.) The Call for this game is Huli Huli and moves players one position clockwise within the individual Triangles. As players land on a Muse-spot they take over the lead. The other two players in the Triangle follow loosely.
Dance Exercise School Activity – Banana-Phone – Spontaneous Dance Along
A class of 3rd graders play the improvised dancing game "Follow the 3 Muses in the Center." It's all new to the students, so Maggie helps out by supplying ideas to get the two Co-Muses going. All other student follow along. They rotate within their own Triangle any time the Center Triangle rotates. These low impact dance exercises help students improve physical skills as well as offering opportunity for creative explorations in improvisational dance. MUVE Dancing Games also help children develop social skills, as they lead and follow each other and work on common tasks together in ever changing combinations of dancing teams.
This is the first opportunity for the more outgoing student to try on the role of a MUSE and dance for their peers in a leading role. Some kids are immediately intrigued by this, others are shy and need a bit of time to warm up to the idea of being the center of attention.
School MUVE Dancing Game – independent MUSE Circle – 2nd Grade
(Too Much Time) This is a favorite with school children! In every group there are players who love to lead and others who rather follow. In this game a group of Muses leads the dance simultaneously. Each Muse inspires two other dancers in her/his triangle.
With each "Move" (Rotation Call) the Muses rotate clockwise on the Muse Circle into the next triangle on the Grid. In turn, each Muse will lead each triangle. All Co-dancers receive ideas from each of the Muses. As the Muses lead non-stop, they learn to keep their creative juices and energy moving and also to pace themselves. The other players don’t rotate or move on. They just follow loosely.
Dance Exercise Activities for Kids – Improv Dancing Game for Students.
(Good work) This is an example of a TRAVELERS Game, one of the MUVE Dancing Games from The MUVE Curriculum, a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program CSPAP.
There are three different roles to play in a TRAVELERS Game. Each Triangle has a Muse-Spot (Red) a Home-Base (Green) and a TRAVELERS-Spot (Yellow). Upon the Call "Move" The Muses move clockwise on the Muse Circle into the next Triangle. The Travelers move counterclockwise to the Traveler-Spot (Yellow) in the next Triangle. The Home-Base player stays in place throughout the whole song and helps the other players find their spots.
This game requires special attention, cooperation and sponsors creativity. It creates a new team of dancers every time a Move is called.
Sea Cruise – MUSE Circle with Animation Concepts – 2nd Grade
Muse's are inspired by MUVE Concept Cards in this Muse Circle Dancing Game. One student displays and changes cards showing a Motion Concept Card, such as "Shake," or "Turn," to prompt the Muses with movement ideas. Seven Muses alternate leading this dance. Increasing the number of Muses adds creative variety and leadership opportunities for more dancers. The Muses move into the Muse-spot in the center clockwise. Change is initiated by the Caller. Only the Muses rotate. The other dancers stay at their locations and follow the Muse in the center, loosely.
In every group there are at least three individuals who love to share their MUVES and don’t mind being the center of attention for the whole group. All players follow the lead of a Center-Muse. The concept of one Muse inspiring the whole group unites the players for a community movement action. Leading a whole group might be intimidating for some, but it is also a special thrill for the outgoing personalities, and fine practice for their leadership skills.
Vertical – independent All Triangles MUVE with Toy Triangles – 3rd Grade
In this game, the call "Move" moves all Triangle-teams into the next Triangle on the Grid, clockwise. The teams stay together throughout the whole song. As the Triangle-teams move through the different Triangles, players experience all the different Toy-groups. In this dance we eliminated the Call, "Huli Huli." This gives the teams the choice of who will lead the team as it arrives in a new Triangle. Some players seek out the leading role, while others rather follow.
(To see this game with the "Huli Huli-Call," see the video "Lazy Song.")
Infinity Games do not need the "Basic Dancing Grid," and are therefore very easy to set up. They work with what we call a “Catwalk.” Two parallel lines are marked with masking tape on the floor, about 5 to 8 feet apart. Divide your group of dancers in two. One group stands behind the left, the other behind the right dividing line. From the “Top” of the game, one dancer from each group (left and right) pair up to dance down the Catwalk to the “Bottom,” -which is also marked to designate how far the players should go.
Shake a Tail Feather – All TRIANGLES MUVE – 3rd Grade
In this dancing game, each and every player will move through the Muse-spot to lead the entire group. This "All Triangle MUVE" game has two Rotation Calls. “Huli Huli” moves all players clockwise within their individual triangle and “Move” directs all players to move as a team into the next triangle on the Basic Grid, clockwise. All Dancers follow the Muse in the center, and everyone will have a chance to play this role.
In the “independent TRIANGLES” dancing game, players rotate within their individual Triangles to the “Muse-Spot” to lead two fellow dancers. Everyone gets a chance to shine. Even teachers love to play this game as you can see in this video! This game can be played anywhere and anytime. Even in a classroom full of chairs and tables!
In an "All MUVES with Center Muse" game, everyone advances to the center Muse-spot to lead the whole group. Another fine practice for leadership skills! It usually takes two songs to move all students trough the leader spot. These 4th graders show lots of enthusiasm and creative movements.
It's My Turn Now – Independent MUSE Circle – 4th Grade
A group of seven boys leads this dance, each inspiring one triangle at a time. When the Caller calls "Move," they advance to the Muse-spot on the next Triangle. Now they will present their moves to a new team. Each of the seven Muses learns greater creativity as they continue to explore new movement ideas throughout the entire song. The Co-dancers enjoy the variety of Muses. As they dance along from their "fixed" locations in their triangle, they always have the freedom to follow loosely or to create their own moves.
Let's get Glam – All TRIANGLES MUVE with Toys – 4th Grade
In this dancing game, each and every player will move through the Muse-spot to lead the entire group. This "All Triangle MUVE" game has two Rotation Calls. “Huli Huli” moves all players clockwise within their individual triangle and “Move” directs all players to move as a team into the next triangle on the Basic Grid, clockwise. All Dancers follow the Muse in the center, and everyone will have a chance to play this role. We have also added a toy, in this case, paper plate-holders. Not only do the toys add creative spark, they are also helpful in developing dexterity!
Two students alternate along with Maggie to lead this dance, and the whole group follows the Muse in the center. Whenever the Center Triangle rotates, so do all Triangles. Dancing Games with a Center-Muse unite a diverse group of individuals into one dancing body. At the same time, everyone has the choice to respond individually to the suggested movements. This creates a feeling of both freedom and community.
Foot Stomping – Follow the Muse, with Animation Concepts – 3rd Grade
Animation concepts bring creative ideas to these dancing school kids and their Muse. All students follow the Center Muse. By following the Muse, children learn how to create spontaneous movements. MUVE school exercises for kids are detailed in the MUVE School Curriculum, a comprehensive school physical activity program. Discover the different games at the Dancing Games web page at and download the full curriculum PDF for you own use.
MUVE's dance game for kids incorporate toys to practice manipulative skills. This dancing game is called the "Muse Circle." These 7 ladies volunteer as our lead dancers (Muses.) On the Caller's (game leader) signal. The Muses rotate clockwise into the next Triangle. With each rotation an new combination of dancers explore creative dance together. This dance video definitely has a female touch! It's colorful, creative and gentle. This dancing game is a "quadruple-threat" teaching social, physical, creative and manipulative skills.
The Party's Just Begun – Follow The Muse – 3rd Grade
To learn new moves and to see what's possible, the whole group follows the Center-Muse. Whoever dances in the center position is the lead dancer also called the Muse, who inspires others with new creative movements. This is one of their very first dances. All movements are okay - even the unusual ones!
Creative Dance with MOTION Concept Cards – School Dance Exercise Program CSPAP
School MUVE is a Comprehensive School Activity Program CSPAP. This type of a game is called an "Infinity Game". This exercise activity for kids is an easy dance workout that gives students an opportunity to dance in the spotlight and cheer on those who are dancing. In this easy to set up dance activity, teachers make two parallel lines with tape 5-8 feet apart and divide group of dancers in two. Dancers stand on the lines and from the 'top' of the game, a dancer from each side pair up and boogie down the 'catwalk'. Pairs return to their beginning side, and the loop effortlessly continues with the next pair of dancers.
MUVE's Dancing Games are great school exercises for kids and teens. You can find the various MUVE Dancing Games Instructions, the MUVE School Curriculum and our Dancing Inspiration Cards in the MUVE Tool Box at
School Activity Program _ Dance Exercise with Ella Fitzgerald _ Spontaneous Dance
The MUVE Curriculum, a Comprehensive School Activity Program CSPAP, teaches how to use spontaneous dance to invigorate students of all ages. At the beginning students learn by following MUVE teacher Maggie (Muse). The students are to follow loosely. There is no need to be precise. MUVE dancing is about having fun and exploring creative dance moves. When you follow someone else you are likely to discover new movements and learn a thing or two. Go ahead and dance along to this video right now. You know you can!
(Strut) This is an example of a Double Revolving Game, one of the MUVE Dancing Games from The MUVE Curriculum, a Comprehensive School Activity Program CSPAP. With each "Call" dancers on the MUSE-Circle move one position clockwise, while everybody else moves one position counter-clockwise. This results in new team combinations for each Call.
There is an entire School Dance Curriculum available for free at Check out more free video workouts at the MUVE video blog. These low impact dance workouts help kids improve physical skills as well as offering opportunity for creative explorations in improvisational dance. MUVE Dancing Games also help children develop social skills, as they lead and follow each other and work on common tasks together in ever changing combinations of dancing teams.
Spontaneous School Activity Dancing Game makes Exercise Fun- Splish Splash
Splish Splash."Independent TRIANGLES" Group Dancing Game with 21+ elementary school students. The children dance exploring their own ideas and share them with each other in groups of three. There are 7 triangles marked on the floor. Students occupy the corner spots, one of which is specially highlighted as the "Muse"-spot. This special spot marks the position where the movement idea is created. In this video you see the individual student making the decision on when to move off the Muse-spot and let another mate take over the lead.
As you can see no adult dance instruction or participation is needed. It's running on "auto-pilot." Children are getting a cardiovascular workout while they are developing their creative skills.
"Follow The MUSE" • In the beginning you learn by following the teacher. Here you see Maggie in one of the very first dances with a 2nd grade group. Rotating the positions of the triangles keeps the whole class' attention. Loosely following the experienced MUSE introduces some movements that are new to the child dancer. These movements have simple not been learned yet. MUVE improves physical skills by introducing movements outside the movement patterns of your typical 2nd grader. The same principle works for adults and seniors as well of course!
Watch how the MUVE Dancing Grid is set up. On instruction how to create the MDG-Grid-Maker-Tool see the curriculum pages at the MUVE Dancing Game Page of the website
Creative Moves around Obstacles – Comprehensive School Activity Program CSPAP
This MUVE Dancing Game is very easy to set up. Obstacles of any kind can be added. Goal is to explore navigating the objects. As a variation you can ask your students to also respond to each other as they dance down the lane.
This is variation of MUVE Dancing Game: Infinity Loop. This exercise activity for kids is an easy dance workout that gives students an opportunity to dance in the spotlight and cheer on those who are dancing. In this easy to set up dance activity, teachers make two parallel lines with tape 5-8 feet apart and divide group of dancers in two. Dancers stand on the lines and from the 'top' of the game, a dancer from each side pair up and boogie down the 'catwalk'. Pairs return to their beginning side, and the loop effortlessly continues with the next pair of dancers.
Creative Dance Moves with Toys – School Physical Activity Program CSPAP
Infinity Loops- Always a crowd pleaser. This exercise activity for kids is an easy dance workout that gives students an opportunity to dance in the spotlight and cheer on those who are dancing. In this easy to set up dance activity, teachers make two parallel lines with tape 5-8 feet apart and divide group of dancers in two. Dancers stand on the lines and from the 'top' of the game, a dancer from each side pair up and boogie down the 'catwalk'. Pairs return to their beginning side, and the loop effortlessly continues with the next pair of dancers.
Here we are using toys to inspire movement ideas. Handling the toys the students are more concerned with the objects and less about what others might think of their performance. As you can see, toys make happy!